
Monday, July 12, 2010

Harvest Monday 07/12/10 One hundred and Still Going Strong

I am about to hit the road again. I traveled to Nashville yesterday to bring my daughter and 2 friends to Camp Electric, a music camp where they get to spend a week under the instruction of musicians who play for some of the top names in the Christian music industry. She plays keyboard and looks forward to learning much and having lots of fun.

I harvested tomatoes and okra this week. (15.75 ounces) My major event this week was harvesting 49 cherry tomatoes from the Energizer Bunny mystery tomato plant. This bring my total this year for this plant to 102 +. I missed some in the count because my 10yo son loves to eat them straight out of the garden and I don't always know how many he eats. (smile) The plant is still going strong and I expect to get at least 100 more from the plant. I have rooted several suckers from the plant and noticed that one of the suckers is just starting to produce fruit and the other is full of flowers. YIPPEE!!!

Well... I need to close down this computer and get on the road. Check out all the harvest events at Daphne's Harvest Monday.




  1. Great little tomato plant - seems to just pump out the produce! Have a great time at the music camp.

  2. wow, that is one productive tomato plant. I'll have to look for that variety for next year!

  3. I keep waiting for my tomatoes to start producing. Any day now. At least I hope.

  4. Energizer bunny! It's amazing how cherry tomatoes can be so prolific. Lovely harvest.

  5. Your little tomato plant just rocks! I love getting plants like that. Have fun with the kids!

  6. kitsapFG, thanks for stopping by the blog. I returned home this afternoon and there are more tomatoes to harvest! YIPPEE!!

    Tosha, this plant was labeled as a patio bush variety. Obviously, it was labeled wrong because it grew over the cage, then the stakes, and I have pruned it over and over. I dubbed it the ENERGIZER BUNNY because it keeps going and going. I hope to save seeds from it and if it isn't a hybrid, I hope to grow more of this mystery tomato plant next year.

    Daphne, this single plant is producing like crazy. However, the other plants had a few tomatoes to ripen but the next wave seems to taking forever. I was hoping for non-stop tomatoes once they started ripening.

    Michelle and Dirt Lover, these cherry tomatoes taste great!! Even my child who doesn't like fresh tomatoes said they taste good!!

  7. Debiclegg, since you first told us about your Energizer Bunny tomato plant, I looked up some information on how to save tomato seeds. It doesn't look that difficult. Then again, most things seem much easier to do on paper than when you actually do it yourself. :) Have a safe trip!
    p.s. thanks for catching up on my past posts even with your busy schedule!

  8. Sounds like the trip to Nashville will be fun!

  9. thyme2garden, I have been reading, too, about saving the seeds. It does look easy. I hope to give it a shot next week. I will let you know how it goes.

    EG, the kids are having a wonderful time!!

  10. It's amazing how much a cherry tomato plant produces. I have no idea how much mine has produced. My "Little Garden Helper" eats right off the vine!

  11. Robin, "My Youngest Garden Helper" eats many before I can count them. I asked him to let me count them first. So he has tried to remember to tell me how many he ate. (smile)
