
Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010 - Harvest Monday

I am so excited. My first post to HARVEST MONDAY!! Thanks, Daphne. I hope I am doing the link correctly.

This week I have harvested a few strawberries (they are almost gone), bush green beans, tomatoes, and the first of the okra. The strawberries and cherry tomatoes usually do not make it inside. My kids say the berries taste better straight from the garden to their mouth!! And my youngest son loves popping those little tomatoes into his mouth!!

My bell peppers continue to grow but I found this ugly spot on one of them. Is it BER?

I was excited to see small cantaloupe growing on the vines. YIPPEE!! The weather has been so hot and dry here. The high temp for today is supposed to hit 99 and the hit index should hit 105. I had to pull the remainder of my bush green beans. Bugs were eating the leaves and they were wilting from the heat. (sigh)

Enjoy the first official day of summer!!



  1. Ohhh how lovely to have canteloupe to harvest :)

  2. Congrats on your first Harvest Monday! I love your tomato line-up picture :)

    It's been too too hot here!

  3. Robin, my 10 yo son fussed at me because he had them all lined up by size and when I put the last few in for the picture I messed up his lineup. (smile)

    Allison, I am excited about the canteloupe. This will be first year to grow them and I am using a trellis for them. I hope this new adventure goes well.

  4. Aunt Debbie, I just love that you have a garden blog! My bellpepper had a simalar bad spot on it. Does this mean I need to put more insect killer out? What do you do?

    Miss you!

  5. Yeah, my kids make a big dent in the amount of harvest I bring inside too. Since they seem to prefer outside veggies to in, I don't mind too much.

    Nice looking tomatoes!

  6. Congrats on your first official harvest monday! That's most likely ber on the pepper....

  7. So... what is the best treatment for BER? Will it spread? How do I stop it? HELP!!

  8. This spot on you pepper can also be sun scald. Your weather is hot and dry, so if you see more spots like this, check if they are in an exposed part of the pepper, were the leaves cannot cover them. If so, install some shade over the plants.

  9. Angela, I wondered about sun scald, too. None of the other peppers have this spot and it was on the side of the pepper that was exposed to the sun. How do you know the difference? SO MUCH TO LEARN!!!

  10. It isn't BER but rather sun scald. It happens when leaf cover isn't dense enough.

  11. I loved when I had kids in the garden and they at things right there. It was much easier to get them to eat things out of the garden then to try to force feed them at the dinner table.

  12. Anonymous... thanks for the input. I am trying to figure out how to get some shade on the peppers... THINK! THINK! THINK!

    Daphne... a few weeks ago we were out of town for a week. One of myy married daughters sent me a picture from her phone showing all the strawberries that she had picked (being the wonderful daughter that was "watching" the garden while I was out of town) and then she promptly told me that she had eaten all of them and had declared them GOOD!!

  13. I wish I was harvesting tomatoes right now! I don't think you should worry to much about the pepper unless you see it spreading. Chalk it up to bad luck! The season is early and I'm sure I'll get plenty more.

  14. Thomas... I am enjoying the tomatoes. The ones from your own garden always taste better!! Thanks for the encouragement on the pepper. So far I don't see any signs on any of the other peppers.
