
Saturday, May 25, 2013


I love flowers and plants! And I eagerly await each year to enjoy them in bloom.

Last year the day after Easter, Larry found a great deal on Easter Lilies. 50 cents each! He brought 8 lilies home to me and I planted them in the yard hoping to enjoy them this year. Our weather has been on a roller coaster this year but my lilies are finally blooming.

I took an old smoker and used red spray paint on the top. 
Then I inverted the top to use as a container for these flowers.

This is the first gladiola to show color this year.
I can't wait to enjoy it in full bloom.

These dark purple petunias reseeded from last year.

My Johnny Jump-Ups also reseeded from last year.





  1. I have your Johnny Jump Up's siblings growing in my garden, and posted a picture of them on my blog today! I love them, and think of you every time I see their pretty faces in my garden. I also have about 10 gazillion morning glories volunteering! Last fall I made the mistake of letting them go to seed, then ripped them out and dragged them across the garden to toss over the fence. Everywhere they touched there are seedlings, including a huge patch of them in the lawn! LOL, I learned my the future, rip 'em out before they go to seed, and bag them up on the spot!

    1. Granny,

      I am thankful that the morning glories reseed but it seems like I have to pull 10 gazillion to thin them each year. And it is always fun to see where the wind blows the seed. I find the plants in the strangest places.

  2. I've got Johnny-jump-ups all over my yard. They are such a weed, but I love them. Friday I weeded them out of my strawberry patch as I needed to see the strawberries.

    1. Daphne, I have a hard time making myself pull any weed in the yard that I know will flower. I guess it would be easier for me if I knew they would get in the way of the strawberries.
